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A4.3 - Metaphors Description

The storyboard defined a first specification of rendered artifact/actor and its behavior. Here every artifact may be fully specified.

  • Its shape and import format ; it may be a basic shape (cylinder, sphere, cube, etc) or a more complex polyhedron which will be imported from various type of files (wavefront (obj), gltf, etc)

  • Its size

  • Its rendering characteristics, material, colors, effects (diffuse, specular, etc)

  • Its behaviors : is it a fixed shape or is it articulated, or can it be deformed. What are the triggers handling its external of internal motion or deformation ?


The definition of actors from both the use case and storyboard are used to make this definition.


A complete description of every expected metaphor


Obviously the selection of metaphors depends on the capacity of the rendering environment to render them and to interact with it.


The list of available metaphors but also of the import libraries is the main resource to decide what may be specified.