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A3.3 - XR Device Selection

Considering the metaphors and modes of interaction of the previous activities, the factors for selecting a VR or AR device, are very varied. However, here are some factors to consider:

  • Viewing fidelity and field of view (FOV): FOV is the extent of the environment observable by the user at any given time. Devices with a larger field of view tend to offer a more immersive user experience, although they may also require more computing power and be more expensive.
  • Tracking capability: In VR, there are two options for tracking the headset and controls, self-tracking or tracking bases. In AR, in addition to head tracking, accurate hand tracking is usually required to interact with digital content.
  • Input methods: Depending on the device, different types of input are possible, such as hand gestures, gaze tracking, controllers with buttons or triggers, or voice commands.
  • Feedback mechanisms: Visual and audio feedback is usually provided. However, some devices, especially in VR, offer haptic feedback for a more immersive experience.
  • Ease of use and learning curve: Some devices may require more time and practice by users to become proficient.
  • Other practical considerations: These include the price, ergonomics and battery life of the device, comfort requirements and expected duration of user experiences.


Criteria for XR device selection, including user needs and specific activity requirements.


A selected XR device that aligns with the specific requirements of the desired activities and provides optimal user experience.


  • Rendering quality
  • Tracking accuracy
  • Device input methods (hand gestures, eye tracking, controllers, voice commands, etc.) should be tested for effectiveness and accuracy.
  • Feedback mechanism inspection: Ensure that feedback mechanisms (visual, auditory, haptic) provide a seamless and immersive experience.
  • Usability: Devices should be easy to use, with a minimal learning curve for the intended audience.


  • XR device catalogs and reviews: Sources providing detailed specifications (hardware/software), user reviews and expert opinions.
  • XR Labs: Facilities equipped to test different XR devices.
  • User feedback platforms: Platforms where users share their experience, which can provide information on real-world performance and potential problems.
  • Budget allocation: A budget allocated to ensure the acquisition of a device that meets all the necessary criteria without compromising quality due to cost constraints.